Atlantis Pool


I would rate Atlantis among the very best of the many professional pool services I have worked with over the past twenty years.

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Atlantis Pool


Aggregate Quartz finish is the latest generation of pool surfaces combining white or colored plaster with small pieces of quartz to provide a luxurious look and finish. The addition of quartz reflects light and offers an iridescent sheen to the pool surface.

It also provides a surface which is more resistant to chemicals and staining. Colors and textures can be custom blended to create your dream, designer pool.

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214 500 1683

Atlantis Pool Plastering are Texas’ premier pool replasterers and resurfacing specialists.

Atlantis Pool Atlantis Pool

We use specialist products and new technological improvements to deliver high quality pool resurfacing and replastering.

Ask us about our 5 year limited warranties

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